Your satisfaction is our top priority – We offer fast and easy returns, exchanges, & package protection for $1.99. If you choose not to add this protection during checkout when you return or exchange an item, you will be charged for the return shipping label. If you choose to be refunded and have not taken the package protection, the return shipping label charge will be deducted from your refund. Returns and Exchanges are accepted for 30 days from Date of Order.

To start a return or exchange an item, please go to our RETURNS PORTAL and log in with the email address you used on the order and the order number.

Note: Some products are custom-made just for you! Because of that, it may take a little extra time to arrive—typically no longer than 7-10 days from the time you place your order. Since this is a one-of-a-kind item printed just for you, it’s not eligible for returns or exchanges.